This has to be the cutest swimwear I’ve ever seen. While shopping for a new bikini at I came across their shirred bikini skirt with puckered detailing. They’re so creative and make the best fitting bikinis I’ve ever worn. Since I’m completely hooked on pucker style bottoms, TeenyB and me are a match made in heaven. Check out the rest of TeenyB’s Pucker Butt Bikini Skirts
I found what you’re looking for!
-We’ve decided that we need a pucker bottom bikini. —We know we want to look like a sexy bikini model. —–We know we love luxury fashion. ——-And we MUST be the hottest girl on the beach So, I’ve done a little research and solved your sexy bikini break-down! There are a few luxury swimsuit brands that have super hot bikinis, including the pucker butt bikini, white bikini, triangle top bikini, all of the basics. I saw them at Miami Beach Fashion Week. One of them is an Italian company that has awesome luxury micro bikinis, but don’t sell in the US. And the other is TeenyB Bikini Couture they have a full collection of micro bikinis and pucker butt bottom bikinis in luxury fabrics and rhinestone accents, and a bunch of new styles that I’ve never seen before! To check them out, visit: You can’t fake fashion like that….
On the hunt for a pucker butt
The only problem with the sexy pucker bottom bikini, is the lack of availability. You know it when you see it, but how exactly do you find a pucker bottom bikini? Do you dial up the local Neiman Marcus, Nordstrom, or Macy’s and ask for the scrunchy back, pucker butt, scrunchie middle, pucker bikini bottom department. No, I don’t think you will find a sexy bikini that way. Nice try. Hmmm, next step, search for a pucker butt on one of those cheesy online swimsuit stores. They claim to have sexy bikinis, club wear, strip wear, hot swimsuits, knee high leather boots, and pucker bottom bikinis. Yeah right, that’s like buying a juicy couture tracksuit online for $10 and wondering why it looks so fake! So, we have a little problem with our sexy beach plans now. Stay calm, help is on the way.
Breaking Fashion News!
Breaking Fashion News! ~Well, at least for bikini shoppers! Who cares about anything else anyways? If you look good in a bikini, you can look good in anything! Oh yeah, back to the breaking news: Finally, luxury swimsuit companies are making tiny sexy bikinis! We don’t work so hard on our sexy beach bodies for nothing! We no longer have to surrender to the hierarchy of runway fashion experts to tell us that potato sacks are sexy. Speaking of Saks, Saks 5th is even starting to carry some tiny sexy bikinis. One bikini in particular seems to out shine the rest. And first place goes to…(drum roll please, silly) The Pucker Bottom Bikini! (Claps, Cheers, and Screams from every sexy beach girl worldwide!) Enough Sarcasm, on a serious note, the pucker bottom bikini truly is making an impression on the runways and major luxury bikini brands. Sexy is back, and…
Pucker Butt Bikinis Oh My!

Finally a bikini bottom that actually helps make women with a flat behind look nice and full. The Pucker Butt Bikini looks great and is comfortable to wear. Pucker butt bikinis are the latest in sexy swimwear. You can see pucker butt bikinis all over the beaches and at bikini contests! The picture shows what a pucker butt bikini looks like!
Pucker Bikini Craze

Pucker Bikinis are also known as Scrunchie butt bikinis. Pucker Bikini’s are the latest bikini craze! You will see women wearing Pucker Bikinis at the beach, pool, and other summer fun spots. Be sure to check back often for the latest in micro bikini and swimwear trends! Plus we’ll soon be adding free weekly bikini model pictures!